Friday, March 30, 2012

The Cove

2 days ago, I watched the Academy Award winning documentary, The Cove. It follows a group of filmmakers, divers, and activists to a sleepy lagoon off the coast of Japan in Taiji. The filmmakers are looking to expose the mass slaughter of dolphins that is taking place there. In order to obtain footage of the atrocities, the group uses cover of darkness to plant hidden cameras in the water, on the rocks, and in the trees. all around the cove.

What I saw and heard then broke my heart in ways that I will never be able to explain. Hundreds of dolphin being slaughtered mercilessly with harpoons.

It was almost more than I could bear. Watching it, I felt as through the harpoons were piercing me. I was devastated, shocked,f angry and I began to cry hysterically.

Whyy ohh why.
Signing off, ataatan

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